Have Time

Have Time

There is a gift we all get.

Not one of us has more of it;

Or less of it.

It comes into each and every moment.

Sometimes it can feel heavy.

Sometimes it feels light.

Sometimes it is all we need.

Sometimes it is more than enough.

Gratitude is a common felt sense, when you have it.

Sadness and fear when you don’t.

Yet, you always have it.

Until you don’t.

With some friends, family, animals, nature, etc.

You wish you had more.

Sometimes you wish you had no more.

As if to run out, and share a simple farewell.

It can be a lover, friend, ally.

Or a tormentor, enemy or foe.

I also love to capture and share my writings on video. Scroll down to keep reading, and watch my video on Have Time.

Today I sat here on my chair, on my sheepskin, wrapped in a blanket, pillow on my lap, coffee in hand, as I gazed across the room looking at the candle looking at me.

As if to wink at me. The first words that came through were:

“Isn’t it interesting.”

And as if a movie could play inside my head, a vision of you came through, and a thought, “I need more time, there is so much I want to do with you.”

A sense of fear fluttered into my heart, “What if there is not enough time? What if my time comes to an end before I have yet to experience all the flavors of you? What if…?”

My mind then shifted and the writing above came through.

Now I think, “Why are there some that I do not want any time with? Does that mean I am a bad person… is it ok to say “no thank you,” and walk away?”

And my feeling is, “Absolutely, I only have so much time.”

I must spend it in ways that reflect the love I have for my life. What would feel good.

And practice being, IN PEACE, with the reality of… we only have so much time.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s given when I least expect it. Like a lollipop given to a kid. I smile, giggle, or just feel a sense of peace wash through me.

Sometimes it feels as though it is taken from me, like a kid at school taking my last Jelly Bean. Sadness rushes through me, ah yes… sometimes anger, too.

Now I feel a giggle in my throat and a smile creeping across my face as I think. How silly…

To waste so much time, considering the meaning of time.

It’s one of those topics I feel all will relate to.

We all have a clock we look to, it says we have 24 hours in a day.

Embrace it.

Don’t Waste it.

Use it for good.

Use your heart as your compass.

No regrets.

Nothing is right or wrong.

Be present in each moment.

And witness peace come through when you realize you have this moment.

The last one is already gone.

The next one is a gift.

Receive it with grace and live.

Every second given is an opportunity to act in accordance with love for yourself, your life, and all in it.

Be here.

This second.

With a heart of gratitude.

For we have had time.

In this moment as I write, I have time, I give it to the heart of all.

This moment is a gift.

Have and hold your time with all your heart.

Give it graciously with reverence for its meaning.

Receive it with awe and an embrace.

It’s your constant companion, be in good relation with it, for to not be would be disrespectful for this life you have been given.

Pay attention.

Be Present.

Feel the truth of each moment. 

You will know how to spend it.

When to give it and when to just appreciate the reality that you have had it…

And that you do have it, this moment.

It’s my love and honor to share this writing with you, Brandy.

This writing is a late reflection and ripple for a sweet moment listening to a man named Ramon, speaking in broken English, reflecting on his grey hair. He said it is a reflection of the reality that, “I have time,” the word missing was, “I have ‘had’ time.”

I thought, “How beautiful!” That his grey hair was a reflection of the fact that he has had time. My mind at that moment went straight to, “Have time, we have time, this moment have it.” Hold it. Love it. Do what you want with it. Appreciate it. And Appreciate that you have had time.

I feel love and gratitude for all of you.